Cloudy Days – Jeni Bate

Jeni Bate - Cloudy Days
Crescendo by Jeni Bate
Clouds can be the bringers of destructive floods, but more often of life-giving rain for crops.

Show Dates:
Exhibit: October 26th to December 18th, 2023
Meet the Artist: Saturday, December 9th, 1:00 to 3:00pm
Artist Reception: Sunday, December 10th, 2:00 to 4:00pm

As the world warms, more moisture evaporates into the atmosphere, creating more clouds, so we are experiencing more cloudy days. Clouds can be the bringers of destructive floods, but more often of life-giving rain for crops. We have changed the atmosphere that we live in, and now everything must adapt to a warmer, wetter, cloudier sky. The message in my work is to help people realize our place on this planet and perhaps to better appreciate and care for the sky that is our next, our every, and ultimately our final breath.

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