Sally Santana-Rodrigues

Artist: Sally Santana - Artwork: She not Me
Art can be described as the whispers we hear at night, or the fine print between the lines of something larger.

Where? CCMA’s Young Artist Alcove

When? October 27, 2022 to December 18, 2022

Sally’s Artist Statement:

Creating art finds pathways in showing intricate and sometimes gentle emotions that couldn’t easily be placed with words elsewhere. Art can be described as the whispers we hear at night, or the fine print between the lines of something larger. It can be anything that moves a person, whether that be in anger, confusion, sadness, or laughter. Emotions inspire everything, and cause everyone to commit the actions they have throughout their life. Those emotions can be ugly, and bitter, there’s no shame in that, yet it’s still taboo to talk about what hurts. Art disturbs the comforted and comforts the disturbed.

Insta: @batasticpom

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